Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In Production

I am in the production mode which means that I work all day teaching, come home and work for a few hours in the studio.

Today I have off, and am trying to work a schedule. An hour in the studio, and a half hour to do computer work, and some house work. Back to the studio for an hour, then back to the house to do some more work for 1/2 hour. Somewhere I have to figure in time to stop and breathe, eat, and sit for a few minutes.

I think I am going to hire Jessie again, a high school student who works for me when I need her. I delegate the glittering, packaging, labeling, and base painting work that I need done. Why do that when I can be designing.

I wonder how it all pulls together sometimes. This year's resolution for the art business is to have a calendar JUST for deadlines for shows, openings, and other art related things that I have to do. I can't keep up with it very well, and am not that organized to put it into planners, computer calendars etc. A simple solution that will keep me on task and not forgetting about important shows I should enter.

Back out to the studio! This is one of two cards I will be posting on Etsy later, it reminds me of the weekend I just had. Oh, and this Xmas issue of Mary Englebreit has an article about Etsy. They are wonderful to sell on, and I am glad they have done so well. Check out the full page ad they have in the magazine too!


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