Sunday, February 24, 2008

How to be Creative

I finished reading a great article titled "How to be Creative" by artist Hugh Macleod, thanks to a posting on one of my yahoo art/marketing groups. The download is FREE, and I suggest all you creative ones head over there and download it for reading. I printed it up as I hate to read long articles on the screen, and am handing it over to my photographer husband.

I have also found his blog and boy, he really has this Internet thing down! I struggle with it, but I have to be kind to myself and remember that
1) I have a full time job that pays the bills so I can slowly build my art business
2) I have a full time job - which is my art businesses that keeps me extremely busy all the other time that I am not doing the job that pays the bills.
3) I own a house, have two cats, a husband, two children and 1+ grandchildren who on occasion demand an audience with me
4) I have friends whom I love spending time with when there IS time.
5) I have to sleep at some point during the day.
6) I work out 3+ times a week so that I can keep my body strong so that I can keep doing all that I do till I am 83 years old. (that is when I believe I will end)

So, I plug along, learning, adjusting, changing, adding, and someday, I too will get there. It could be when I am away from home and the only thing I can do is work on the computer..and that has happened.

Off to the showers so that I can get ready for the day. The sun is shining brightly, and I want to spend a few hours painting in the studio while I have fabulous natural light.


PS I just finished a few more cards to post on my CATSKILLPAPER.COM website. Today's image/card isn't on there yet, but will be uploaded soon. Don't forget to check it periodically for new cards!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Thanks for posting this, I've bookmarked it & will read it. Looks very interesting.
