Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Photography by Lawrence Lewis

I have to go to bed soon as finish all of this. I am not used to having to get up and go to work at 6 am. Tomorrow the kids come and I have to have lesson plans ready for the first week of school. That is always the rough part.

As a protest of going back to work I sat in the sun during lunch, then worked in my studio for a bit before I hit the tapas place uptown with a friend. Now I am feverishly finishing up lesson plans.

Tonight's artwork is by my husband. Taken with an 8 x 10" camera, it is of our granddaughter Alanna. Larry is an amazing photographer and I have seen very few digital prints that equal what he can do in the darkroom. He makes art for arts sake; I wish he would make art for money's sake. His work is fabulous and I want to do a show with him called "Telling Stories"; his narrative photography, and my narrative collage work.

That is a reasonable goal and I need to get a proposal together for a gallery to carry it.

To the future. xxpatti

1 comment:

Amber Dawn Inventive Soul said...

Dear Larry,

I would LOVE to use the "head" of this cute offspring of Patti!

Is there any way that I can use her face (From this picture) in my art work?
What do you say?

