Thursday, August 9, 2007

Ornament Production

At last years holiday show at Unison in December of 06,, I got an order from Earth Angel Toys for 100 ornaments as gifts for this upcoming holiday season. I was thrilled as this order will get pay my summer bills for the business and then some.

Each one of these ornaments is made out of two pieces of Victorian paper, many of which have mini collages on at least one side of them. They are encased in microscope glass slides, which are held together with copper foil, and then soldered along the edge, and have chains soldered on so that they can be hung on a wall, a tree, or from a wine bottle. I package them in a little off white bag which I bought at the Atlantic Spice Company in or near Wellfleet on the Cape. .

It is a tedious process, especially the soldering part of it, and sometimes I wish I had a studio helper for this part. I have come to the conclusion that I love to design and do that part of it, but I want to leave the production part of it to someone else.

I am hoping that this fall I will find a student who can help me do some of the bagging and labeling of cards etc. so that I no longer have to do all of that.
Another art goal, and one that is not too terribly hard to realize. I just have to make sure that I am selling what I am paying someone to help me with!

I have Alanna today so studio work will be at a minimum, but I can take her with me to go to the art supply store, the post office, and do all the other things that need to be done when running a business! If I wear her out then she will take a nap. Then I can at least do some computer business.

Till the next round, Patti

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